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Minimum Technical Standards

Minimum Technical Standards for Enrollment and Progression

and Medical Clearance Policy


该计划确定了所有学生必须满足和保持的最低技术标准,以确保成功完成该计划,并在FWs期间和毕业后提供安全有效的客户服务. These technical standards, listed below, are necessary for achievement of the Program's Program Outcomes 认可机构规定的能力,以及职业技术服务的标准.


General Health

学生必须能够参与所有的学习活动和评估(课堂), laboratory, and clinical settings). 这些学习活动和评估可能需要超过8小时的积极参与(静坐), standing, performing procedures, etc.)以及接触各种体液、传染病、辐射和有毒物质. 学生必须保持身体和心理健康的一般状态,以满足该计划和OT专业的典型要求和性能要求. 这包括标准的预防保健措施,如每年免疫接种. 在入学前和开始OTD项目的临床阶段之前,学生必须在医学上清除(没有任何可能对客户造成伤害和/或妨碍充分参与项目课程的医疗和行为/精神状况和传染病). 所有参加该计划的学生必须从入学到毕业期间保持健康保险.


Critical Reasoning and Cognitive Abilities

学生必须具备完成完整课程所需的智力能力,并达到项目和OT专业所描述的能力. Critical reasoning requires the intellectual ability to measure, calculate, synthesize, and analyze a large and complex volume of information. 理解结构的三维和空间关系的能力也是必需的.


Computer Technology Skills

学生必须能够利用计算机信息技术访问学习管理系统, participate in synchronous and asynchronous learning, have working microphones, working cameras, ability to record, participate in computerized testing, conduct research, prepare multimedia presentations, access online medical information, and review and enter data in electronic medical records. Therefore, 必须拥有一台个人笔记本电脑,并能上网学习网络增强和基于网络的课程.  


Communication Skills

Students must be able to speak, hear, and observe clients to gather pertinent data, describe observations, and perceive nonverbal communications. Students must be able to communicate, orally and in writing, with peers, faculty/staff, clients, families, 并对来自不同社会文化背景的医护团队成员具有敏感性, clarity, and accuracy.


Visual Abilities

学生必须具备在体检时评估病人所需的视力, monitor client stability, 并在职业治疗实践中进行广泛的干预.


Hearing and Tactile Abilities

学生必须具备通过身体评估从来访者那里获取信息所需的运动和感觉功能, 以及在职业治疗实践中进行广泛的干预.  


Motor and Fine Skills

提供病人护理通常需要直立姿势和足够的全身力量, mobility, and cardiovascular endurance. 学生必须能够忍受繁重的体力劳动,并且能够坐着, stand, and perform other activities for long periods of time. 学生必须能够完成在小地方进行机动所需的身体动作, calibrate and use equipment, position and move clients, 并在职业治疗实践中进行干预.  


Interpersonal Abilities

Students must possess a wide range of interpersonal skills, 包括(1)在保持充分的智力能力的同时管理高压力情况, (2) utilization of good judgment, (3) time management (arrive on time, prioritize activities, complete tasks efficiently), (4) development of mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with classmates, faculty, staff, all members of the health care team, and clients and their families, (5)对自身情绪状态和他人情绪状态的认知, (6) management of personal emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict, (7)以建立信心和信任的方式与客户和家庭接触, (8)接受建设性的批评并开始适当的行为纠正.


All students enrolled in the Program must be able to independently, or with reasonable accommodation, demonstrate these health standards, cognitive and motor skills, and professional behaviors for Program matriculation, progression, and graduation. 残疾学生有责任联系无障碍教育服务办公室. 获取联系信息并了解更多澳门威尼斯人赌城无障碍教育服务办公室的信息, visit online at ( to request accommodation(s). The Program attempts, to the best of its ability, to develop mechanisms by which otherwise qualified applicants for admission and enrolled students can be accommodated; however, 为了确保课程的所有部分都传达给所有学生,并且学生提供安全有效的客户服务,必须保持项目的最低入学和进步技术标准. 提供FWs/Capstones的临床附属机构希望学生达到该项目注册和进展的最低技术标准,并及时履行指定的职责,因为这种能力对于安全和有效的客户护理至关重要. Therefore, 在身体检查和临床程序技能评估期间,学生不会获得额外的时间, simulated client encounters, and completion of client care duties during FWs. Similarly, 在上述评估和FW/Capstone中,不批准使用经过培训的中介机构.

学生必须提交一份签名的证明表格,说明他们能够达到最低的技术标准,以便在入学前充分参与该计划的课程. 学生必须将签名的证明上传到Exxat审批模块. Students do not return the attestation form to the Program. 如果学生满足这些技术标准的能力有任何变化,学生必须尽快通知OTD项目主任.